
Farms, Farms and more Farms: Columbia County Grown

If you live in Columbia County, you have noticed the many farms in the county. Some have been here for generations (Love Apple Farm just reopened last August on Route 9H in Ghent and has been a part of the community for 40 years) and some are just sprouting. Let's face it...not all of us love the cold weather...(I'm one of those people) and so as winter approaches, I like to think about the many possibilities that spring will bring. It's here on my blog you can look forward to finding news about "Columbia County Grown." I'll be writing a series of farm-related posts throughout the winter. In this post, I'm going to do my best to give you a list of the farms and their locations. Throughout the next few months I plan to add more details. The more we preserve our agricultural roots, the more beautiful the County will remain.  Here is the partial list and a brief description in alphabetical order. More details in the next post. Support of this blog

Information Self-Serve...."You Can Go To My Website"

Lately I've been hearing this phrase a lot..."You can go to my website." Usually it comes in response to a question like, "Hey do you have product pricing? or What if I want to buy one ? or Do you have any press materials about your company? I don't like hearing "You can go to my website."  I don't like being 'redirected' when I ask a question. There's something inherently new about this problem. There's inherently something wrong here. It's like asking for a glass of water from the waiter and being told go get it yourself! "You can Go to My Website" lacks the possibility for a relationship. When someone says this to me I feel like saying, "Look, I'm here in front of you right now, can't you just tell me what I need to know?" So let me take you back to 1983 when it was less of a self-serve information world. I'm going out on a limb here but, this is the year I entered the workforce in New York
When it's Good, its So Good...Hudson Children's Book Festival. So I had the pleasure of being included in the 7th Annual Hudson Children's Book Festival last weekend. Because I've organized events before, I know what a huge undertaking it is to run anything like this which included 75 authors and illustrators from around the Northeast and beyond, and just one day to funnel some 5,000 attendees through a gymnasium so that we, the authors, could promote and sell our books to students. Ultimately the event was designed to promote reading. What a wonderful goal! My book, The Hidden History of Columbia County- NY, was included because, well, Hudson is part of the book and the book is all about shining an interesting light on Columbia County. Allison and Assemblywoman, Didi Barrett The women, volunteers and contributors of the festival deserve a resounding round of applause. Everything ran like a well oiled machine...from the fun cocktail party on Friday night at t

Pizza in Valatie

When I was growing up in a tiny town in Connecticut in the 1960s, there were a couple of places my family would go for pizza. Now mind you, I came from a very (and I mean very) Mediterranean home where my Dad was French (my grandparents only spoke French), and my Mom (my Mom's parents spoke Italian) was Italian and so we ate home cooking a lot. And why not? It was really good home cooking...A subject that I can't wait to write about later this month. And furthermore, our cousins were the owners of the original "Pepe's" Pizza in New Haven (pronounced Na-Haven, btw). But on Friday nights, we'd go to the local pizza 'house' which was next to the supermarket, near the shoe store, around the corner from the butcher. In those days,  the pizza parlor was just one big room, with big square tile floors, paneled walls, ceiling fan and a guy behind a counter making pie. The booths were covered in marbled green vinyl and the formica tables were speckled grey.

A Million Reasons Not to Go to Yoga Class

So here's a million (maybe that's a lot, but here's some) of reasons why I never wanted to go to a yoga class. Maybe some of these sound familiar: 1. I don't like the way I look in yoga clothes. 2. I don't like doing things in a group. 3. I don't know how to do yoga. 4. I'll be the only one in the room that doesn't know how to do yoga. 5. I don't do THAT kind of of yoga. 6. I'm not a "yoga" kind of person. 7. I'm not into traveling to do yoga when I can just stretch in my living room. 8. A friend of mine got hurt in yoga. 9. Yoga people are weird. 10. I haven't worked out lately. 11. The person next to me will be much better at it. 12. It costs too much and I don't want to spend money. 13. I already go to the gym. 14. I'm an athlete so why bother. 15. It's boring. 16. I can't cross my legs. 17. I'm too busy. Ok so there are a few of the reasons. I get it. Yoga isn't for everyone. But

Coming home to Yourself

Well, this is so cliche from the outside, I am self conscious about writing a blog about loneliness, but here goes. My Dad's birthday was yesterday. He died 36 years ago...I was named after him...This one's for you... This post was inspired by a friend who's a poet and who just published a new book of poetry on this very subject of loneliness. She just lost her Mom (a friend of mine) to cancer. The reviews of her new volume of poems were great. They called her work "brave" and "courageous." They heralded her ability to tackle such an unpleasant subject. Now some of you may be thinking that being "lonely" is a prerequisite for any writer, a natural fit, like the shoes that every writer walks in are the shoes of a loner. Like maybe writers (I am one) prefer to limp along, sad and reflective.  Well if you believe that you also probably believe that all writers are drinkers, and that all football players beat their wives (did I just say that?).

The many ways to spell "Cabin Fever"?

It's been a while since I've blogged. It may be because I have cabin fever. This affliction is unwieldy. What I mean is, cabin fever isn't like other types of fevers like say, spring fever or yellow's different. The right definition is something like: cab·in fe·ver noun irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter. Yes. What a pretty little package of words indeed. Just reading it makes me, rather, um, irritable.  But hey, wasn't everyone crying when they shoveled snow this morning in minus 2 degree temperatures? Ok I've gotten a hold of myself long enough to write this. To really, "right this" one must harken back to an old wise man saying and it goes something like this: When depressed, stop thinking about yourself and do something good for others." Bingo...and just like a cold bucket of snow over my head...I got it...ugh.