Farms, Farms and more Farms: Columbia County Grown

If you live in Columbia County, you have noticed the many farms in the county. Some have been here for generations (Love Apple Farm just reopened last August on Route 9H in Ghent and has been a part of the community for 40 years) and some are just sprouting. Let's face it...not all of us love the cold weather...(I'm one of those people) and so as winter approaches, I like to think about the many possibilities that spring will bring.

It's here on my blog you can look forward to finding news about "Columbia County Grown."

I'll be writing a series of farm-related posts throughout the winter. In this post, I'm going to do my best to give you a list of the farms and their locations. Throughout the next few months I plan to add more details.

The more we preserve our agricultural roots, the more beautiful the County will remain.  Here is the partial list and a brief description in alphabetical order. More details in the next post. Support of this blog will help me to expand the list, create an interactive map and add websites.

If you find any farms missing, please email me at: of course, please feel free to share this blog with your friends. For information about advertising please call: 518-755-6061.

Blackberry Farm - Hudson
Blackberry Hill Farm - Livingston- Wool/Herbs, plants
Blue Star Farm - Stuyvesant - Naturally Grown Vegetables
Bryant Farms - Claverack -
Chaseholm Farm Creamery - Ancram
Cherry Ridge Farm - Hudson - Fruits
Cheval Farmstead - Hudson - Goat/Dairy
Common Hands Farm - Ghent- Organic Vegetables
Cool Whisper Farm - Hillsdale - Grass-fed Beef & Poultry
Cowberry Farm - Hudson
Cross Farm - Germantown- Fruits & Vegetables
Darlin- Doe Farm- Germantown - Goats
Don Baker Farm - Hudson- Orchard
Dutch Belted Cow Farm - Hudson- Biodynamic Fruits & Vegetables
Dutch Hollow Farm - Stuyvesant - Dairy
Eger Brothers Farm - Hudson- Fruits & Vegetables
Farm at Miller's Crossing- Hudson -
Fix Brothers Fruit Farm - Livingston- Fruits/Orchard
Foxhill Farm - Ancramdale
Golden Harvest Farm- Kinderhook- Orchard
Grazin Angus Acres  - Ghent- Grass-fed Beef
Green Acres Farm Market - Livingston - fruits, organic vegetables
Hawk Dance Farm - Hillsdale- No Chemical Fruits & Vegetables
Hawthorne Valley Farm- Ghent- Organic Farm Market
Herondale Farm - Ancramdale
Holmquest Farm & Greenhouse- Hudson - Fruits & Vegetables
Honey Dog Farm - Hillsdale- Organic vegetables
Hopedale Farm - Livingston- Apple orchard
Hudson-Chatham Winery- Ghent
Ironwood Farm- Hudson-
Kinderhook Farm - Valatie - Grass-fed meats
Le Farm - Germantown- Mushrooms & Herbs
Little Apple Farm - Hillsdale- Organic Fruits
Little Ghent Farm Store - Ghent Animal Welfare Approved farm store
Little Seed - Chatham - Organic Vegetables
Love Apple Farm - Ghent- Orchard & Farm Market, Cafe & Bakery
Markrisco Farm - Hillsdale - Organic Vegetables
Marshmeadow Farm - Germantown - Dairy, Meat & Eggs
Micosta Enterprises- Stockport - Fruits
Millerhurst Gardens- Ancramdale
Monkshood Nursery -
MX Morningstar Farm - Copake- Organic Vegetables
New Leaf Farm - New Lebanon - Organic Vegetables
Philips Orchard - Claverack- Apple Orchard
Pigcasso Farm - Copake-  Pasture-raised meats
Red Oak Farm - Stuyvesant - Organic Fruits & Vegetables
Ronnybrook Farm - Ancramdale
Roxbury Farm - Kinderhook - Vegetables
Samascott Orchards- Kinderhook - Fruits & Vegetables
Scarecrow Farm - Hollowville
Shady Acres Farm - Canaan
Sharon Farm Market - Kinderhook - Vegetables
Shortcake Farms - Claverack- Fruits & Vegetables
Sir Williams Farm - Copake- Beef & Pork
Smith Farm - Livingston - fruits
Smokey Hollow Farm - Ghent - Vegetables & Eggs
Spencer town Farm - Spencertown- Poultry
Stewardship Farm - Hudson - Vegetables
Stonehouse Farm - Hudson
Taconic Orchards - Livingston- Orchard
Ten Barn Farm- Ghent- Vegetables
The Berry Farm- Chatham - Farm Market
Thomas Fitch Farm - Ancram - Organic Vegetables
Threshold Farm - Hudson
Threshold Farm - Philmont- Biodynamic Fruits
Tierra Farm - Valatie - Organic Nuts & Dried Fruit
Trusted Roots Farm - East Chatham - Vegetables
Vida Farm - Ghent - Herbs & Flowers
Vosburgh Orchard - Elizaville- Brewery & Farm Stand
Whistle Down Farm- Hudson - Organic Vegetables
White Oak Farm - Hillsdale - Vegetables
Windswept Farm - New Lebanon - corn, plants, flowers, trees
Yonder Fruit Farm - Kinderhook- Fruits & Vegetables


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