Farms, Farms and more Farms: Columbia County Grown

If you live in Columbia County, you have noticed the many farms in the county. Some have been here for generations (Love Apple Farm just reopened last August on Route 9H in Ghent and has been a part of the community for 40 years) and some are just sprouting. Let's face it...not all of us love the cold weather...(I'm one of those people) and so as winter approaches, I like to think about the many possibilities that spring will bring. It's here on my blog you can look forward to finding news about "Columbia County Grown." I'll be writing a series of farm-related posts throughout the winter. In this post, I'm going to do my best to give you a list of the farms and their locations. Throughout the next few months I plan to add more details. The more we preserve our agricultural roots, the more beautiful the County will remain. Here is the partial list and a brief description in alphabetical order. More details in the next post. Support of this blog...